Margitta Franzen-Thoß: Wattle and Carnival: ‘Caramels, bouquets, the prince is coming!’ / Wattle und Fasteloovend: „Kamelle, Strüüßje, de Prinz kütt!“
Verena Surantyn: First impressions of the war in Ukraine / Erste Eindrücke des Kriegs in der Ukraine
Yushu Soon: Subjunctive Poetry / Konjunktiv Poesie
John Gieroszynski: Grandma’s Apron / Omas Schürze
Amy Jarvis: Hans Pillig. Remembering a modest maker who left his mark / Der bescheidene Schöpfer, der seine Spuren hinterlassen hat
Andrew Gazcol: Das Zentrum’s visit to the ACT Jewis Community Centre
Book review by by Jim Tweddle: Unforgotten School Days / Unvergessene Schulzeit 1945–1962. Vol. 2. Recollections of Students and Teachers.
Conny Schueritz: Finding Pam Richards: A love letter to a city / Wer ist Pam Richards? Liebeserklärung an eine Stadt
Andrew Gaczol: Special guest speaker: Dr Tamsin Sanderson / Ein besonderer Besuch: Gastrednerin Dr. Tamsin Sanderson
Margot Schüritz, Angela Rechner, Susanne Arnold und Hilary Howes: Of herrings and hay / Vom Harung und Heu
Andrew Gaczol: My visit to the German Emigration Museum in Bremerhaven / Deutsches Auswandererhaus Bremerhaven – mein Besuch
Film review by Terrance Zhang: Reflections on Bauhaus Spirit: 100 Years of Bauhaus / Vom Bauen der Zukunft – 100 Jahre Bauhaus
Book review by Rob Youl: Europe: A Natural History. By Tim Flannery /
Ray Sumner: The demonisation of Amalie Dietrich / Die Verteufelung der Amalie Dietrich
Book review by Rob Youl: The Shortest History of Germany. By James Hawes.
Book review by Rob Youl: Germany: Memories of a Nation. By Neil MacGregor.
Book Review by Andrew Gaczol: Orderly and Humane: The Expulsion of the Germans after the Second World War. By R.M. Douglas.
Yushu Soon: Poem "Wenn"